Fallout shelter base layout reddit
Fallout shelter base layout reddit

fallout shelter base layout reddit

Generally, this isn’t much of a problem as the game attempts to provide you with enough Engineers and Scientists as to not screw you over, but it can happen for various reasons.Īs soon as you get your first Engineer, you’ll want to set them to Excavate B2 and get your Workshop up.Įssentially, the Workshop doubles an Engineer’s effectiveness. It can also be used to support Excavation projects and building Facilities to perform those tasks faster.

fallout shelter base layout reddit

This build can be useful in case you are low on Engineers to staff your facilities. This doesn’t necessarily create huge changes compared to vanilla XCOM 2 but one notable difference is that the Advanced Warfare Center was replaced and split into the Training Center and the Infirmary. That said, I’ll be getting into a handful of builds to consider regarding the facilities and what can be concluded to be the most efficient build orders depending on your needs.īefore we move along, I will note that these builds are explored specifically with the War of the Chosen and other DLCs installed. While you should consider when to build what facilities, the focus on where to place them is generally inconsequential. The changes here emphasize less focus on meticulous base building. In the first game, it was important to build facilities adjacent to ones that would provide bonuses to one another such as Generators providing bonus Power or Workshops refunding materials, also there were 24 spaces to build in where XCOM 2 has cut that number in half and overall reduced the number of facilities you need to build. XCOM 2 made significant changes to base building in that it is much less complicated when considering where you should place everything in the Avenger.

Fallout shelter base layout reddit